Simone fiori


    Simone Fiori (BA 2018, Genoa; MA 2020, Genoa; PhD 2024, La Sapienza University of Rome) is a Post-Doc research fellow at the University of Genoa. His PhD thesis consists of a critical edition and comprehensive study of all the entries of the Etymologicum Genuinum that contain quotations from Attic Comedy. His main research interests include ancient Greek lexicography, ancient Greek poetry, ancient etymological thought, history of the Greek language, and indirect tradition. On these topics he has published a monograph (Le citazioni di Aristofane nel lessico dell’Antiatticista, 2022) and several peer-reviewed articles in international journals. He is also a contributor to the Supplementum Hellenisticum Novum (SHN) and a member of the editorial office of GROH (Trends in Classics – Greek and Roman Humanities Encyclopedia).

    • Università degli Studi di Genova

    • Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia Diplomatica e Archivistica

    • ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome

  • With regard to the SHN-project, which is currently ahead of publication, Simone Fiori has written about 75 entries on 'fragmentary' Hellenistic poets, including Aeschylus Alexandrinus, Anaximenes Lampsacenus, Anyta Tegeensis, A. Licinius Archias, Daphitas Telmessensis, Herondas, Lycophro Calcidensis, Melinno, Moero, Nicaenetus Samius, Numenius Heracleota, Pancrates (Arcas), Sostratus (Phanagorita), Theolytus Methymnaeus.

  • Ancient Greek lexicography; ancient Greek poetry; ancient etymological thought; history of the Greek language; indirect tradition.