Resources for the Study of the Hellenistic Age
Antigonid Network Seminars
Events organized by the Centre for Hellenistic and Later Greek Studies - University of Exeter
The Hellenistic Age Podcast
A history podcast covering from Alexander the Great to Cleopatra
(directed by Derek Latal)
Groningen Workshop Hellenistic Poetry (Archives)
Annual conferences on Hellenistic poetry held in Groningen
Hellenistic Poetry Newsletter
The Hellenistic Poetry Newsletter intends to offer regular reporting of all research activity in the field of Hellenistic (and Imperial) poetry
(created by Christophe Cusset)
Hellenistic Bibliography
A bibliography on post-classical Greek poetry and its influence
(created by Martine Cuypers)
Exhibition ‘Art of the Hellenistic Age'
MET Museum (New York)
CEAlex - Centre D'Études Alexandrines (News and Publications)
Based in Alexandria since 1990, the CEAlex is deeply involved in the study of the long history of the city and its region. Through archaeological excavations, thematic studies and heritage promotion, the CEAlex aims to enhance our historical knowledge of this metropolis and contribute to the preservation of its unique heritage, both ancient and modern.
Historical Cartography of Alexandria
The CEAlex (Centre d'Études Alexandrines) map library holds over 2,000 maps and plans, both modern and historical, dating from the 16th to the 21st century. These include perspective views, nautical charts, topographical plans, cadastral plans, geological maps, tourist maps, insurance plans and, more recently, orthophoto plans and satellite maps.
Alexandria Harbour - Reconstruction
Reconstruction of the ancient city of Alexandria.
Greek Culture in Hellenistic Egypt Persistence and Evolutions
Edited by Lucio Del Corso and Antonio Ricciardetto
This book investigates some aspects of the cultural consequences of the settlement of Greeks in Egypt during the Hellenistic period, through a discussion of papyrological material, archaeological evidence, and literary sources. It is divided into three sections.
[The volume is in open access]
Database of Hellenistic Athletes
The database is a research tool to facilitate prosopographical studies in Greek athletics. It contains all known participants of hippic and gymnic competitions in the period from 336 to 30 BC.
The database had its origin in a research project “The Self-Representation of Hellenistic Athletes – Social, Political and Ethnic Identities”, conducted at the University of Mannheim. -
Connected Contests
Connected Contests is an evolving online research tool to facilitate the study of agonistic networks in the ancient, post-classical world. It is part of a wider research project on the history of athletic and other agonistic festivals from 300 BC-AD 300
Hellenistic Group - Academic: Facebook Page
An informal online academic community for sharing information, research, and opinion related to the Hellenistic world