Samuele Cambianica

  • 2011-2015: High school in Locarno with focus Latin and Ancient Greek
    2016-2023: Bachelor and Master in Zurich (Classics, Classical Archaeology)
    2023: Scientific collaborator in the Archaeological Collection at the University of Zurich, then excavation director for the Kantonsarchäologie St. Gallen.
    since 2024: PhD in Classical Archaeology at the University Zurich and University Pisa. Topic and (provisory) title: "Global – lokal? Prozesse der Bildproduktion im Hellenismus anhand etruskischer Urnen aus Volterra, Chiusi und Perugia"

    • Universität Zürich, Fachbereich Klassische Archäologie (supervisor: prof. dr. Corinna Reinhardt).

    • Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere (co-supervisor: prof. dr. Anna Anguissola)

  • The concrete workshop practices in the production (conception and realisation) of images in the Hellenistic age - understood at the level of the entire Mediterranean - are not yet understood. There are no written sources or images to help better understand these processes and the dealing and handling of craftsmen with the Hellenistic formal repertoire, characterised by a wide range of variants and the transfer of motifs.
    An exemplary investigation of the production of images on North-Etruscan cinerary urns from Volterra, Chiusi and Perugia should lead to some insights into the concrete processes of image production in Hellenism.

  • Sculpture and plastic works
    Dating methods in Classical Archaeology