Riccardo di Prospero

  • https://studiumanistici.uniroma3.it/persone/d3FaZDZsYVQ5aWRkRVl0cm52Q2FKbS8xT1FqbkJCako1S3JGYi83TDBSVT0=/


    Bachelor degree in Musical disciplines (AFAM Ottorino Respighi, Latina); Bachelor degree in Classics (Sapienza University of Rome); Master's degree in Philology, literature and history of the ancient world (Sapienza University of Rome). PhD candidate in Linguistic-Literary Civilizations and Cultures from Antiquity to the Modern (curriculum Civiltà e tradizione greca e romana) at University Roma Tre.

    • University Roma Tre -PhD Candidate (2024 - )

    • Sapienza University of Rome - BA + MA (2018 - 2023)

  • The aim of my research is to deepen the critical and theoretical perspectives of Alexandrian philology, trying to investigate the way in which ancient criticism reacted to problematic passages of the Homeric poems: not only passages considered inferior, marked with the terms κυκλικῶς or κυκλικώτερον and related to the content of the poems of the Epic Cycle, but also textual problems and narrative aporias which represented a path to can identify the different compositional phases of the Homeric poems. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between Alexandrian philology and Aristotelian theory, of which ancient philologists proved to be skilled interpreters.

  • My main interests are linked to the so-called "erudite" Alexandrian literature (philology, grammar, tradition and interpretation of texts) and to the Greek epics. I have also worked on metrics and music, on theater (in particular the choral sections of Aeschylus' Oresteia), and on the history of the Greek language from antiquity to the present day.