Julian Gabriel Schneider

  • I am a PhD candidate in Ancient History at the University of Hamburg (UHH, Germany) and study interstate arbitration in Greek antiquity. Being an epigraphist by training, I currently work on new inscriptions from Pergamon (together with Prof. Andreas Victor Walser and his team from the University of Zurich, Switzerland) and Miletus (together with Prof. Kaja Harter-Uibopuu from UHH).

  • University of Hamburg (UHH)

    Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Ancient Law (CISAL)

  • I am currently working on a re-edition of an inscription commemorating a case of interstate arbitration, the Pitane-Mytilene dossier from Pergamon (I.Pergamon I 245). Beyond this, I focus on a systematic approach to interstate arbitration in Greek antiquity. Based on an in-depth analysis of legal terminology, I study ancient arbitration and its development over the centuries from both legal and historical perspectives.

  • Greek interstate arbitration

    Greek epigraphy

    Topography of ancient cities (especially Pergamon, Athens, and Miletus)