Federico Della Rossa

    • Ca' Foscari University of Venice (2022-)

    • Scuola Normale Superiore (2016-2022)

    • Università di Pisa (2016-2022)

  • My PhD project focuses on the chronology of Pindar's odes.

    Since the Hellenistic period, scholars have sought to determine when Pindar's melē were composed and performed. Answering this question also requires establishing the relationship between a poem and its reconstructed historical background. Although this complex task led to significant misunderstandings even in antiquity, it remains crucial for interpreting Pindar. While many efforts have been made in this direction, they have often been partial and insufficiently connected to pragmatics, (re)performative, and intertextual studies. My project aims to reassess the chronology of Pindar's entire corpus (including, as far as possible, his fragmentary works) by evaluating how historical and literary contexts can aid in the interpretation of his poems. A critical assessment of the data provided by ancient scholarship will be conducted, with a focus on the scholia vetera, the ancient Vitae, and the Peripatetic Olympionikai and Pythionikai. The analysis will also explore the relationships between the poet and specific patrons and the performative scenarios implied by the odes, and will include a more thorough examination of the intertextual links among Pindar's various works.

  • My main research interests are: Greek lyric (Pindar, Bacchylides, Timotheus of Miletus) and drama (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes), textual transmission and criticism (especially of fragmentary texts), papyrology, metre and colometries, classical reception, intertextuality and politeness studies.