Ezequiel Martin Parra
I received my BA in History from the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) and I am currently working on my dissertation for the M.A. in Classical Studies at the University of Buenos Aires. I'm in my first year in the Ancient History Ph.D. program at the University of Michigan.
University of Michigan (current)
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (previous)
My research focuses on the Seleucid Empire. In particular, I study Seleucid royal ideology and the ways by which the Seleucids created a cultural framework that allowed them to justify their dominion over non-Greek societies. In that sense, Hellenistic Babylonia proves to be a most important case of study and I work with both Greek and cuneiform sources in order to understand the complex relations between the local priestly elite and the imperial administration.
Seleucid Empire
Hellenistic Babylonia
Cross-cultural relations between Greek and non-Greeks
Diodorus Siculus