Borja Antela-Bernárdez


    Borja Antela-Bernárdez is Full Lecturer of Ancient History at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (since 2005). Since his PhD Thesis about Alexander and the Greeks (published in 2005), he wrote a lot about Alexander the Great, but also on his many usual topics of research, like Modern Historiography on Alexander and the Hellenistic World, the place of Athens in the Ist Mithridatic War, Gender and Ancient Greek History (mainly Hellenistic-Late Roman Republic periods), and Classical Reception in Cinema. Lately he also has been writting about Theory of History and how alternative pedagogy should
    approach to history, from imagination and emotions (thoughts published in Historia Viva, 2019).
    Co-Director of the journal Karanos. Bulletin of Ancient Macedonian Studies, former Coordinator of the (already finished) Project "History of Conflict in Antiquity" (Funded by the Catalonian Research Council), and former Coordinator of the Master of the Mediterranean Sea (UOC-UAB-UAH), he is at his forties, and he uses to say he strongly believes in a better world.

    • Autonomous University of Barcelona

  • I wrote a lot during the last three decades, on many different topics. Nowadays I am working on Antiquity in Videogames, but also on Argead & Hellenistic issues of Kingship

    • Alexander the Great
      Argead & Early Hellenistic Kingship;

    • Horrors and Victims of Ancient Warfare;

    • Classical Reception Studies
      Ancient & Modern Historiography
      Gender and Ancient History