Andrea Monico

  • Before going to Princeton, Andrea graduated in Classics (BA in 2022, MA in 2024) at the University of Pisa under the supervision of Profs. Enrico Medda and Laura Carrara; at the same time, he attended the “Corso ordinario” (BA+MA) in the Class of Humanities at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (2019-2024), where he was supervised by Prof. Luigi Battezzato. He also spent a semester at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) as a visiting student in Prof. Felix Budelmann’s research group.

    • Princeton University (USA), 2024-2029 - PhD Candidate

    • Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy), 2019-2024 - BA + MA

    • University of Pisa (Italy), 2019-2024 - BA + MA

  • Andrea has worked on Greek epic (Homer and Hesiod) and lyric (especially Pindar), but also on Greek drama (especially Sophocles and Euripides). His aim is to combine traditional approaches to ancient Greek and Latin texts, such as textual criticism and philology, with more modern and transversal perspectives from reception studies (especially rewritings of Greek tragedies in the 20th century), translation studies (also from a pedagogical point of view), ecocriticism and cognitive studies.